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Abhishek M


Tracking Overview

Gauges tracks your website using a simple JavaScript snippet. The snippet uses a few techniques to ensure that tracking does not hinder the experience of your site’s visitors in any way. <script type="text/javascript"> var _gauges = _gauges || []; (function() { var t = document.createElement('script'); t.type = 'text/javascript'; t.async =…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017

Website Analytics API Overview

Gauges was created to be a website analytics API. The dashboard that you see on the Gauges frontend is simply a web client that consumes the API. We have fully documented the available endpoints, how to authenticate, and existing libraries. We recommend creating a Gauges account to visualize all the data that is available through our analytics API. Notes Each…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017


We do our best to make Gauges easy to use, and easy to share with anyone you like. Here’s a list of common questions we’ve run across, and we hope you find it useful. Why are my gauges disabled? The most common reasons for an expired subscription are subscription cancellation…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017

Authenticate to the API

The Gauges API requires a key to authenticate for every request. To generate an API Key for your account, visit the ‘My Account’ section in Generate a New API Key Use the API Keys section in the ‘My Account’ area to create a new API key. You can optionally give a description to the created key so you can document…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017


Below is a list of libraries for accessing the Gauges API. As other libraries become available, we will update this list. Ruby Gauges Gem (Official) Twelve (by Jonathan Hoyt) Node.js node-gauges (by Ben Evans) PHP gauges (by Kevin Weber) Python python-gauges (by Quinton Robbins) R rgauges (by rOpenSci)
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017
Sites (gauges)

Sites List

Returns an array of your sites, with recent traffic included. Note: As reflected in the API language, we originally referred to sites as “gauges”. Parameters page optional Page number URL GET Request curl -H "X-Gauges-Token: <token>" Response { "gauges": , "recent_months":, "recent_days": } ] } Create a New Site Creates a site.…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017

API Client List

Returns an array of your API clients. URL GET Request curl -H "X-Gauges-Token: <token>" Response { "clients": } Creating an API Client Creates an API client, which can be used to authenticate against the API. URL POST Parameters description optional Short description for the key (i.e.: HipChat, Campfire, etc.) Request curl -H "X-Gauges-Token: <token>" \…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017

List Shares

Lists the people that have access to a site. URL GET Request curl -H "X-Gauges-Token: <token>" Response { "shares": } Share Site Shares site with a person by their email. Any valid email will work and will receive an invite even if there is no existing Gauges user with…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017

Browser Resolutions

Gets browsers heights, browser widths, and screen widths for a site. Parameters date optional Date in format YYYY-MM-DD URL GET Request curl -H "X-Gauges-Token: <token>" Response { "browser_heights": , "screen_widths": , "date": "2011-10-13", "browser_widths": , "urls": { "older": "", "newer": null } }
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017


Gets browsers and platforms for a site. Parameters date optional Date in format YYYY-MM-DD URL GET Request curl -H "X-Gauges-Token: <token>" Response { "browsers": , "key": "chrome" }, { "title": "Internet Explorer", "views": 2242, "versions": , "key": "ie" }, // ... etc ], "platforms": , "date": "2011-10-13", "urls": { "older":…
Abhishek M
December 7, 2017