Marketing Attribution Software for your Web business

Identify the right marketing channels, optimise your spend and gain higher ROI on your spend

Website Analytics

Dig deep into your marketing spend and measure ROI

Automatically pull in campaign spend data and sales data to analyse performance across sources

image of graph showing how you can you easily visualise your business parameters

Say Hello to Gauges Attribution Modeling & Tracking Tool

Gauges unifies customer journey, ย ad campaign data and revenue outcomes in one platform so you can make the right decisions

image showing how easily you can track your customers and how easily you can track their activities

Multi Touch Marketing Attribution Software for every lead/sale

Account based attribution
Group users into accounts to track their visits, cost and revenue generated at an account level

Track the customer journey
Analyse the customers and users by mapping their journey, cost spend on them and revenue generated through them. Identify the triggers of conversion and optimal path of conversion

True attribution of marketing sources
Measure from first touch to close, across all your marketing channels and give attribution to each touch to analyse marketing results

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Beat Ad Blockers

Do not miss any data
Avoid missing track data by avoiding the Ad blockers using custom domains

Attribution 100%
Analyse and attribute on all the data and accurately give weightage to your sources. Take decisions on with high confidence and precision

image showing that it avoids ad blockers
image showing that we can identify the best channel and double down on that

Identify your best channels and double down

Eliminate Duplicate Tracking
Give the right weightage to the right source by eliminating duplicate tracks of touchpoints

Credit allocation
Use multi-touch attribution models to accurately spread credit across all sources, including ad platforms, social channels and organic.

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Custom Attribution Models that suit your business

Benchmark industry specific models
First-touch, last touch, linear, time-decay and position based models of attribution at one click

Attribution custom build
Create a custom formula based model that fits your business. Add rules to your models to exclude certain traffic, certain user types and few touches.

Stage specific credit
Apply marketing credit to the various stages that matter in your buying cycle across multi channels

image showing that you can customize attribution models to suit your business
image showing a bag of coins

Identify Ad Spend ROI

See your true return on ad spend.
Pull your cost data from all major ad platforms, correlate that cost to specific accounts, then track revenue from those touches over time.

Cohort Based Lifetime Value
Analyse on ad spend by cohort. Identity time to break-even and auto calculate LTV of customers

A day of setup. A lifetime of ROI.

Try Gauges for free. No credit card required.

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